As the Xth Planning commission report stated clearly : “Corruption is most endemicand entrenched manifestation of poor governance in Indian society, so much so it has almostbecome an accepted reality and a way of life”- It is really a shame to be at this stage.
some facts , if you can read:
About one-third of BPL households, across the country paid bribes in the last one yearto avail one or more of the 11 public services covered in the study, which shows thepoor are not spared even in the case of targeted programmes.
Nearly two percent of BPL households could not avail PDS, School Education and
Electricity, as they could not pay bribe or had no contact or influence to get access to
services. In fact, in the last one year, more than four percent of BPL households could
not avail Land Records/Registration, NREGS, Housing and Police Service for the
same reason.
Police and Land Records/ Registration services stand out for their “alarming level” ofcorruption involving BPL households among the 11 services covered in this study.Whereas, School Education (up to class XII) and Banking Service (including postalservice) comes out with “moderate level” of corruption, this also implies that even theseservices are not free from corruption.
The worst of all:
The study estimated that Rs. 8,830 million, in all, was paid as bribe by BPLhouseholds in the last one year, in availing 11 public services. It is estimated that thepoorest households of our country paid Rs. 2,148 million to police as bribe.TII-
A Four Pronged Drive Needed
The findings of this study calls for the following four-pronged efforts:
1. SimplificationUrgently required are simplification of procedures and even eliminating certain formalitiesfor BPL households; more visible and interactive redressal practices; curbing discretionaryoptions with individuals at service delivery points; and accountability by giving identitiesof functionaries.
2. Streamline Information FlowsImproved information flow for a more transparent and trust-based transactions andcustomized service orientation with the help of IT tools, e-governance initiatives and betterorganized front ends of service delivery points are required. Also, priorities and concernsof e-governance projects should keep in view the special needs of vulnerable sectionsof households.
3. Front End Staff Need Special ConcernReorienting staff to serve BPL and vulnerable households with special attention and on apriority basis is required. Their sensitivity to special needs of BPL households need to beimproved with periodic workshops and training programmes and special arrangements inthe operations.
4. Civil Society Activism is Better BetFinally, civil society activism has to come more in to play. It should be possible with RTIAct, Citizens’ Charters, Social Audit and on-line services. This study has shown that socialactivism can make difference in favour of the poor. There is ample scope for acollaborative course.
Fight for corruption- You will get a better society- A better governance and hpefully will realise a dream called "better life".
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